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What is Yoga?

               About Yoga

According to Ernest Wood professor of the American Academy of Asian Studies, Yoga is “A system of Spiritual and Physical cultivation practiced in India since ancient times and expressing Religion, Philosophy, Psychology and Physical Education, all combined in one comprehensive science and art”.

According to James Makardney author of the book “Yoga – the key to life” Yoga could be defined as “Having a lively and healthy body, strong in all its parts under the control of an informed and cultivated mind”.

It is a multifaceted holistic system of “well-being” that includes physical exercises, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, nutrition, ethical rules of conduct, cleansing and detoxification exercises, bioenergy and sensory control exercises, self-concentration and mind control exercises. It is a suitable exercise for all ages and for all levels of flexibility.

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             The main paths of Yoga

Indian tradition and philosophy recognizes Bhakti yoga, Karma yoga, Jhana Yoga, Raja Yoga.

Bhakti yoga is the path of yoga that deals with love and devotion (the path of love and devotion).

Karma Yoga is one of the 4 paths of classical Yoga such as Jhana Yoga (knowledge), Bhakti (devotion) and Raja (meditation). The path of Karma Yoga is more spiritual and in it, every action must come with love, awareness and complete disidentification. No deed, thought, word should be selfish. According to Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, Karma Yoga is the spiritual practice of “selfless action performed for the benefit of others”.

Jhana yoga is the path of ‘doubt-free intellectual knowledge.’ It is the study of the texts of Self-Realization and a deep inquiry into the nature of who we really are. This enables us to understand all the subtle nuances of the mind, its attachment to sense-objects, and how these create the veils of Avidya (ignorance/forgetfulness).

The meditation exercises of Raja Yoga elevate the mind of the practitioner and connect him with his spiritual being, which represents the perfect, the good, the beautiful, the harmony, the true love, the GOD itself.

Raja Yoga in translation means Royal Yoga, and is a holistic system founded by the Indian sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. Its purpose is to cultivate our virtues through introspection and meditation, which gradually lead us to self-realization, that is, allow us to touch our true divine nature (samadhi).

Raja Yoga integrates Hatha Yoga, with exercises that prepare the body for meditation, and additionally includes mind-strengthening techniques (self-discipline, self-observation), which help us to eliminate addictive habits, control thoughts, actions and speech us, to coexist harmoniously with those around us.

Raja Yoga expresses itself through eight interrelated stages (Asthanga in Sanskrit), each of which presupposes the fulfillment of the previous one, and culminates with the self in a state of absolute bliss.

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Rules of social behavior – non-violence, telling the truth, honesty, generosity, quality in sexual action.

2.  Niyama:

Cultivation of inner virtues – chastity, contentment, discipline, spiritual exploration, surrender to the divine.


means fixed position. Asanas are dynamic and static postures that provide flexibility and improve muscle tone. Performing asanas with full awareness helps us live our lives consciously.

4. Pranayama:

The control and expansion of the breath. Breath acts as a bridge between body and mind.

5. Pratyahara:

The control of the senses, distancing from external stimuli and distractions. We become our own observer.

6. Dharana:

Control, concentration and focus of the mind on one point.

7. Dhyana (Dhayana):

The state of meditation.

8. Samadhi:

Pure awareness, the internal barriers of the self are broken (ignorance, selfishness, likes and dislikes, attachments) and we are in a state of bliss.

By climbing these eight “stairs”, we gain absolute mastery over ourselves, free ourselves from worldly limitations and conquer our spiritual freedom.

 Hatha Yoga which is the first step of Raja Yoga, is very popular in the west. Hatha Yoga exercises are divided into four main groups: physical exercises (Asana), breathing (Pranayama), cleansing and special techniques for awakening spiritual energy.

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 What does Hatha yoga benefit us?

  1. In our Skeleton:

After thorough research and studies, it was found that the exercises give us greater flexibility in the joints (hips, trunk, neck, ankle). It also increases the flow in the bones making them stronger and more elastic. A result of these benefits is that the salts are removed from the locks. With the exercises, care is given especially to the spine so that it becomes straight and flexible, increasing the vital energy.

  1. In our muscular system:

In yoga, the exercises are done with control and self-concentration, resulting in long, relaxed muscles, free from tension, but very capable of reacting quickly, and more efficiently in our daily activities. (To add about lactic acid).

  1. In the circulatory system:

In the same study from Harvard University, it was observed that those who practiced Hatha Yoga for 9 months improved their cardiac and circulatory conditions, allowing the veins to be more elastic and the arteries, veins and capillaries cleaner. and a slower pulse and lower pressure were observed.

Those who practiced Hatha Yoga for 3 months had their pulse rate drop from 66.6 to 66.3 beats per minute. While people who had high blood pressure after Yoga and relaxation, they saw a huge improvement.

  1. Digestive system

With Yoga exercises, the abdomen is pressed with positive and negative pressures that massage, stimulate and detoxify the digestive system. With a few months of practice, digestion becomes efficient and problem-free again

  1. Respiratory system.

Slow deep and rhythmic breathing is taught in Yoga. The muscles of the chest develop and the vital capacity increases, the amount of air we take every minute increases, while at the same time there are fewer inhalations and exhalations. After 6 months of Yoga, the breathing rate decreases from 16.8 to 13.4 breaths per minute, while the vital capacity increases from 3,729 to 4,615 cubic centimeters. With yoga, more air enters the lungs, helping to remove toxins from the entire body, while at the same time, more oxygen is delivered to the cells.

In Yoga it is very important to breathe with both nostrils for balance, peace and harmony.

  1. Nervous system

Yoga is a way to relax and calm our nervous system, and this can be seen even from the first time we do the exercises.

  1. Endocrine system

Yoga is the only type of exercise that exercises the endocrine system, and this is achieved in two ways: Either by locally increasing blood flow within the glands and plexuses, or by breathing or Pranayama that help control bioenergy and influence the endocrine system.

Concluding the topic of the benefits of Yoga, we would say that its exercises, relaxation and meditation offer all of us an invaluable self-help system, which we either use to improve our health, or direct us to our spiritual growth and expansion our consciousness.

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       How to do yoga exercises:

Our body has its strengths and tolerances. When we do a Yoga exercise we do not strain the body, we respect its limits, and little by little they will expand, and the exercises will become even deeper.

It is very beneficial to do the exercises on a regular basis to get the benefits of our self-healing or self-improvement.

Exercises that cause us severe pain should be avoided or done with the guidance of the yoga teacher. A discomfort when doing the exercises is completely normal and with time we will get stronger and it will not exist. We have to find the golden ratio and watch our body, when an exercise with pain hurts us and what expands our potential.

The exercises are done on an empty stomach, at least 3 hours after eating, wearing loose clothes, without jewelry and objects that put pressure on our body.

We practice consciously and with concentration, keeping our thought and our mind in our breath and in our body.

We pay attention to our breathing, as each exercise has a special way of breathing, which is very important for each exercise. This means being aware of our breathing, breathing slowly and deeply. In general we inhale when we stretch our body and exhale when we bend our body.

After the exercises it is very beneficial to do breathing and a deep relaxation

We completely stop exercises after surgery, for at least 3 months, unless the doctor gives us different instructions.

We create a program of exercises that will help us achieve our goal, whether it is our health or our spiritual development, and we follow our program on a regular basis to see the immediate, short-term and long-term results of Yoga.

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What does Hatha yoga benefit us?

  1. In our Skeleton:

After thorough research and studies, it was found that the exercises give us greater flexibility in the joints (hips, trunk, neck, ankle). It also increases the flow in the bones making them stronger and more elastic. A result of these benefits is that the salts are removed from the locks. With the exercises, care is given especially to the spine so that it becomes straight and flexible, increasing the vital energy.

  1. In our muscular system:

In yoga, the exercises are done with control and self-concentration, resulting in long, relaxed muscles, free from tension, but very capable of reacting quickly, and more efficiently in our daily activities. (To add about lactic acid).

  1. In the circulatory system:

In the same study from Harvard University, it was observed that those who practiced Hatha Yoga for 9 months improved their cardiac and circulatory conditions, allowing the veins to be more elastic and the arteries, veins and capillaries cleaner. and a slower pulse and lower pressure were observed.

Those who practiced Hatha Yoga for 3 months had their pulse rate drop from 66.6 to 66.3 beats per minute. While people who had high blood pressure after Yoga and relaxation, they saw a huge improvement.

  1. Digestive system:

With Yoga exercises, the abdomen is pressed with positive and negative pressures that massage, stimulate and detoxify the digestive system. With a few months of practice, digestion becomes efficient and problem-free again

  1. Respiratory system:

Slow deep and rhythmic breathing is taught in Yoga. The muscles of the chest develop and the vital capacity increases, the amount of air we take every minute increases, while at the same time there are fewer inhalations and exhalations. After 6 months of Yoga, the breathing rate decreases from 16.8 to 13.4 breaths per minute, while the vital capacity increases from 3,729 to 4,615 cubic centimeters. With yoga, more air enters the lungs, helping to remove toxins from the entire body, while at the same time, more oxygen is delivered to the cells.

Yoga is the future of our life!

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In Yoga it is very important to breathe with both nostrils for balance, peace and harmony!

At Belle Verte Villa, and Belle Verte City Chania yoga is taught in classes or privately. You can book yoga classes here:



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